Halluu.... Semalam kitorang celebrate Phylice punya graduation at her place. Then aku bawa la 1 food. Fikir punya fikir, last2 decide nak masak cekodok pisang jela. Simple and sedap. Hehe.
Okay, here are some facts about banana:
Banana Nutrition Facts
- A banana contains Vitamin C, potassium and dietary fiber.
- Bananas do not contain sodium, fat or cholesterol.
- The Vitamin C, which is found in bananas, helps the body to defend and heal against infections. This vitamin also proves valuable in the synthesis of the connective tissue, absorption of iron and the formation of blood.
- Not only are bananas rich in vitamin C, they also contain potassium. Potassium is a mineral that helps in the building of muscles and protein synthesis. This is done as potassium stimulates nerve impulses for muscle contraction.
- A diet rich in potassium is said to reduce the risk of hypertension and stroke. As bananas are free from sodium and very rich in potassium, they can be included in the diet to reduce the risk of high blood pressure.
- Bananas contain three natural sugars, sucrose, fructose and glucose along with fiber. A banana thus gives an instant and substantial boost of energy.
- A banana contains Vitamin B6, which helps in the synthesis of antibodies in the immune system apart from red blood formation, protein metabolism and functioning of the central nervous system.
- No other fruit contain more digestible carbohydrates than bananas. This is advantageous because, the body burns off calories from carbohydrate more easily and quickly than calories from fat or protein.
Haa, bagus kan? So, cekodok pisang boleh la. Tapi cekodok pisang di goreng. So, tak tau la den. Hahaha.
7 bananas (big size)
6 tbsp of sugar
1 1/2 cups Multipurpose flour
1. Potong pisang kecik2. Kemudian lenyek sampai hancur.
Senangkan? 7 pisang ni boleh la dapat 1 container sederhana. Sedap kalau makan panas2, dan buat kecil2. Uish, sedap babe. Hehe. Try la nanti. Kalau macam pisang kat rumah tu macam dah lembik ke, tapi belum rosak lagi, sangat sesuai la kalau nak buat ni. Kalau pisang baru pon boleh jugak. Asalkan yg lembut. Jangan guna pisang keras pulak ye. Nanti susah nak hancurkan.
Sorry la. Lupa nak amek gambar. Bila dah nak habis baru sedar. Hehe.
Okay la, nak sambung tgk Adamaya. Haha. Bubbye!!AF =)
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