What is the secret for a crispy fried chicken? Beli je dari KFC? Atau beli je tepung instant dia then masak kat rumah? No no no. Neither. The secret is this recipe. Hehe. Bukan resepi kita. Resepi dari Allrecipes. Instead of letak buttermilk, aku letak sour cream sebab malasa nak beli buttermilk. Masa tu dah seharian tak makan pape selain roti. So tak nak spend more time going to Walmart just for buttermilk. Kalau korang nak try substitute dengan yogurt pun boleh okay. Senang je buat dia. And ayam goreng tu memang crispy. Recommended!
Buttermilk/sour cream/Boleh try yogurt
Tepung gandum
Paprika (I used chili powder instead)
1. Bersihkan ayam. Salut ayam dengan buttermilk/sour cream/yogurt.
2. Dalam bekas lain, campurkan semua bahan lain tu. Kuantiti agak2 dengan kuantiti ayam. Garam tu agak2 taw, jangan sampai termasin, dan jangan sampai tak masin langsung.
3. Salut ayam tadi dengan tepung rata-rata, then letak atas bekas lain. Tutup bekas guna plasti wrap atau apa2 la.
4. Bila tepung tu dah jadi macam melekit2 atau pasty texture, baru boleh goreng. This point is very important.
5. Panaskan minyak, then goreng sampai masak.
Those pieces were finished within 5 minutes. Very pelahap. Haha. Bukan la, sebab kecik sangat ayam ni. Pak arab ni jual anak ayam agaknya. Apa2 pun, memang sedap. Tapi jangan makan banyak sangat, deep fried food are very unhealthy.
By the way, semalam ada field trip to Berexco oil rig dekat Hays, Kansas. Very fun and tiring day. Out of 43 students yang pergi, ade 5 orang je ladies. Sorang je freshman perempuan. Mana semua perempuan? Tak nak jadi engineer? Ke kansas ni kampung sangat? Hehe.
The engineers to be. Except Professor Willhite of course.
Semalam I made a statement about being matured and dewasa. Then my friend asked me matured tu macam mana. Then she wanted me to explain it here on my blog. So I want to explain a bit. Once, a very good friend of mine told me that I am matured, yet belum dewasa lagi. Sebab I can easily get pissed off by stupid things. So I guess a person has grown up when he/she can differentiate which action is worth to be done and which one that is not worth it. Where as being matured is when you can differentiate between good and bad things. There might be other definitions of these terms because those are subjective, there is no right and wrong.
And tau tak, now I know the answer to the ultimate question. The answer to life, the Universe and everything is 42. Haha. This is such a stupid statement, I know. It's from a movie. Google it if you want to know. It was so funny.
Okay la, my next recipe will be Kiwi Cake, baru je bake tadi dengan hafizah. Bubbye!
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